In a recent post (Summer 2016 Amsterdam) it was mentioned that Kung Fu School Golden Dragon Amsterdam will host several open training sessions during the Sport & Meer 2016 event. Today, we present our timetable for the event. The training sessions will take place in the Gerbrandypark, on the side of the playground and sports grounds. All kids from seven years old and up are invited to join our kung fu training. It is completely free.
- Monday, July 18, 19:00-21:00
- 13 years and up
- Wednesday, July 20, 14:00-16:30
- 7 to 12 years old
- Wednesday, July 20, 19:00-21:00
- 13 years and up
- Friday, July 22, 14:00-18:00
- 7 years and up
The training starts with an extensive warm-up focusing on stamina, power, agility and flexibility. Next, several aspects of kung fu will be introduced: basic techniques, stances, kicks, defensive and offensive arm techniques, self-defense, etc. Finally, all techniques will be combined to form a long series of techniques against an imaginary opponent.
The training regime will be adapted to the age group at hand. You do not have to do anything to join, just put on a comfortable outfit and jump in. Everyone is invited. You can recognize us on the event terrain by our blue banner with a dragon on it, or the sign below. Or you can ask a Sport & Meer crew member. See you there!